meeting-metropolis Client News

Trade Show Floor Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

Last week I attended The Philadelphia CVB and Pennsylvania Convention Center’s Meeting Metropolis event. That event included a trade show of local businesses and venues that cater to meeting planners. As soon as I walked into the trade show I felt that something was different here. In my defense I was hungry and a bit tired so my brain was not firing on all cylinders. At first I just noticed I felt relaxed. It was not that normal…ok, here we go, let’s run the gauntlet feeling I often have. Instead of immediately heading left or right it was as if the trade show floor just absorbed me and I found myself wandering all around. Anxious to see what might be around the next corner. I’m not exaggerating when I say it was beautiful. And not in the way I find every show floor beautiful…this one had aesthetic beauty. Read more »