
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Awards Gala Dinner Entertainment

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ largest fundraiser of the year. Stockton & Partners was asked to help tell the foundation’s story by selecting entertainment that highlights their theme and inspires donors to support their cause.

“Thank you for all of your work! I wanted to let you know that the entertainment groups were some of the best we have ever had. The band was for sure. I am still receiving compliments about the band. The gala overall, I think was the best we ever had. It was such a pleasure working with you again. Thank you for all of your work! We will be back in Philly, in 2019 and I hope we can work together again!” – Beth Labrador, Development Director, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 

Challenge: Keep audience engaged in the awards dinner with exciting yet strategic entertainment options that also serve to emphasize their new initiative “Kids Eat Right”

Solution: To add drama and meaning to the ceremony by punctuating the program at specific moments with local Philadelphia based children’s entertainment groups.


Services Provided:

  • Entertainment: Local, Regional and National; Headline
  • Event Conceptualization and Design